When you find yourself in need of professional help, be is a burst pipe, a car that won't start or a cracked vase, you look up a business to help. You don't look in the phone book any more. Those paper directories sit in your home, collecting dust, yet as soon as you need to look for something that would be listed in these directories, you ignore them and go straight to the web.
Here's an example,
Gopher is a
Business Directory website. On that site you can search for the keywords that relate to the service you need. If you have a burst pipe you type in plumber. If you have a car that won't start, you search mechanics. If you have a cracked vase... search for vase sellers, get yourself a new one, it's not worth messing with repairs.
After a few clicks you have access to a list of businesses that could provide that service for you. There's no way the paper directory could be as fast.
Have a look at Gopher. It's a great example of what I have been talking about. On the page you arrive on you can type in your keywords and get the business results you're looking for. You can also look in the different sub-sections. You can look under accommodation and travel if you are planning a holiday or a little business trip. You could look in the trade and industry section for any of your requirements in repairs or construction. If you have a computer problem you could look in the business and IT section.
If looking after your own business taxes has become too much look in the finance and insurance. And as we get near to Christmas the shopping and dining section could help you out with your gift buying. After New Year you might want to find a gym or a personal trainer, in which case the lifestyle and health section is where you should look.
If you run a business you can see how being listed on such a site will help you get more customers. You can go to at www.Gopher.co.nz